Share Your Hope with Your New MP

At Macmillan Cancer Support, our hope is that everyone living with cancer in the UK receives the best care in the world.      

Will you share your hope for change with your new MP?

By welcoming your new MP and sharing what's important to you, you can help put quality cancer care at the very top of the agenda. If it matters to you, it should matter to your MP.

Did you know that:

  • With your help over 130 Parliamentary candidates pledged to champion cancer in the new Parliament - now we need them to fulfil their pledge. 
  • Your MP wants to know what's happening in your area - knowing they have constituents like you campaigning on cancer reinforces the message that they need to act to fix the system.
  • Personal emails get attention - MPs say they're more likely to read them.

Together, with politicians and partners, we can transform cancer care for a more hopeful future for people with cancer and the people who support them. 

What about devolved nations?

Health is managed separately in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, but Members of Parliament (MPs) can still play an important role in contributing to policy across the UK and are an influential voice on key issues that impact people with cancer.
MPs can advocate for changes in legislation and support services that benefit cancer patients and their families on issues governed by Westminster. They can also raise awareness about cancer-related funding issues, support cancer research initiatives, and ensure that the healthcare system addresses the needs of those affected by cancer, setting a precedent that can be replicated in devolved governments too. 

Find your MP

Enter your postcode to see who your Member of Parliament (MP) in Westminster is. You may have a new MP after the election.

'My mother, Rosemary, had to wait 8 months to be diagnosed with lung cancer as a result of delayed appointments. She finally had targeted treatment on the tumour in January but is yet to be told the results, and so we have no idea if the treatment has been effective. MPs need to commit to making real change so that patients like my mother do not have to wait by the phone for calls that never come and appointments that are continuously cancelled or delayed. If my mum didn't have me, she would have given up. But I'll never give up on speaking up for my Mum. '

Macmillan campaigner, Jackie, is in remission for lung cancer. She is caring for her mother Rosemary, 83, who is now being treated for lung cancer.