Email your MP

Houses of Parliament

In England too many people are facing long delays to cancer care, their worlds turned upside down with worry.

The Prime Minister has admitted the UK Government's failure to cut waiting lists, which is simply not good enough. It's time to make cancer a priority. 

By writing to your MP and asking them to sign Macmillan's campaign statement you can help people living with cancer get the cancer care they deserve. 

Already, 49 MPs, have signed this campaign statement. With your help, we can reach them all.

Email your MP (Member of Parliament) now and ask them: what are you waiting for?


Send your email

Fill in the form below to send an email to your MP.

Your name, address and postcode will be automatically included in your email, as MPs need these details to be able to respond to your message.

We’d love to stay in touch

We're so pleased you'd like to help people with cancer live life. We'd like to contact you again to send you information about our campaigns, using the details you've given us.

We may also contact you again to tell you more about our services and other ways you can help, including opportunities to donate, volunteer or fundraise.

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